Every designer, new and old, should review this system and leave comments, feedback, or questions. This design system is meant to be a single source of truth for the entire design team to stay consistent and reduce duplicative work.
BLOK Capital should always be written with the ‘BLOK’ element being always in Capital Letters and the 'Capital’ element being in Title case, with just the letter ‘C’ in a capital letter.
Therefore: blok capital, Blok Capital, Blok CAPITAL are all incorrect examples,
Only BLOK Capital is acceptable.
Sometimes, often due to production costs, only one color of ink is available and so the BLOK Capital logo must be reproduced using only one color. In this scenario, the logo, logotype, or symbol must be used following the convention of using a light color type on a dark background or in dark color type on a light background. The logotype and/or symbol outline must be distinguishable from the background color. You must honour the BLOK Capital logo palette when possible, using white if necessary.